Know and Can

🌍 Share your opinion on the prevention of racism and discrimination!

🌍✨ Exciting News from Göttingen, Germany!
The kick-off meeting for the Participa City project is happening right now! 🎉

discover and empower logo 200x200 Don't forget to visit our Facebook page!

discover and empower logo 200x200Check out the project Instagram!

nebvet logo NEBVET Label labels SILVER The innovation of the New European Bauhaus initiative lies in the combination of three key components - sustainability, inclusion, aesthetics - as necessary to create the modern concept for the effective implementation of the New Green Deal (NGD); thus NEB is not limited to technical or regulation aspects but provides a holistically transformative approach.

nebvet logo

NEBVET Label labels SILVER Check out the project website!

discover and empower logo 200x200Check out the project Facebook!

We are happy to announce the start of Participa City Project!