


projectslogo.decentName: Digital strategies of Enhancement of the basic skills among adult as a ChancE to fight agaiNst functional illiTeracy

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and EU institutions indicate that functional illiteracy has considerable negative effects not only on personal development, but also in economic and social terms. Although functional illiteracy has been highly publicized in media in the recent years, there is limited scientific knowledge about functional illiterate people.

The main goal of the project is to increase the effectiveness of the fight against functional illiteracy among low-skilled adults who are at risk of social exclusion in the six countries.

The low-skilled adults who are at risk of social exclusion (long-term unemployed, people at risk of poverty, low-educated people) are targeted by the project. At the same time, the project addresses institutions that support and care for adults at risk of social exclusion (adult education centres, social care institutions, adult schools, third-age universities, associations that support the fight against functional illiteracy and social exclusion) to provide them with a very useful set of tools for their work.

  • Creation and development of a six modules course “Decent Life without Illiteracy” - “learning to read”, “numerical calculation”, “effective communication”, “use of the modern technology”, “family literacy”, “personal development”.
  • Creation of eTool for fighting functional illiteracy as a collaborative learning resource. The tool is directed to adult educators and designed as a practical supplement to the course “Decent Life without Illiteracy”.


Number: 2017-1-RO01-KA204-037242
Programme: ERASMUS+; KA2-Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices; KA204- Strategic partnership for adult education
Duration: 01.10.2017 - 30.09.2019
Partners: ADES (Association for Economic and Social Development)– Romania;
CARDET – Cyprus;
CWEP (Centre For Education аnd Entrepreneurship Support) – Poland;
FyG Consultores– Spain;
Znam I Moga LTD;
CSC (Centre for Creative Development “Danilo Dolci”) – Italy;




On July 3 and 4, 2018, the third meeting of the DECENT project took place in the office of Znam and Moga LLC. The project enters an intellectual products development phase, based on the research conducted in partner countries, with a questionnaire filled in by the representatives of the main target group - long-term unemployed adults or those who can not find a permanent job. One of the objectives of the study was to identify problems that are oftenly even not by participants themselves, but may be the cause of their unflattering position on the labor market.

The DECENT project Newsletter №1 could be downloaded from here!


On February 20th and 21st 2018, the second DECENT project partner meeting was held in Rzeszow, Poland.

The project:

United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization and EU institutions indicate that functional illiteracy has considerable negative effects not only on personal development, but also in economic and social terms. Although functional illiteracy has been highly publicized in media in the recent years, there is limited scientific knowledge about functional illiterate people.