On July 3 and 4, 2018, the third meeting of the DECENT project took place in the office of Znam and Moga LLC. The project enters an intellectual products development phase, based on the research conducted in partner countries, with a questionnaire filled in by the representatives of the main target group - long-term unemployed adults or those who can not find a permanent job. One of the objectives of the study was to identify problems that are oftenly even not by participants themselves, but may be the cause of their unflattering position on the labor market.
Specific results from the study will be presented further by analyzing the collected data. As a trend, it can be noticed at this time that many people, regardless of age, education or profession, show signs of dyslexia, dysgraphia, dyscalculia, inability to work with modern ICT, family illiteracy, which is a serious obstacle for finding a permanent job.
In a constructive discussion, the partners defined the structure and the mandatory content elements in the preparation of the individual modules that need to draw up a Handbook to assist adult educators to help them identify such problems, as well as practical measures to mitigate the consequences for the issue.
The meeting specified the deadlines for the implementation of the tasks, in line with the schedule of the project, as well as the dates of the next meetings - in Nicosia, Palermo and Valencia. The financial aspects, the evaluation of the activities up to now, the dissemination of the project information, as well as the next steps to get the project information to reach a wider range of target groups, both primary and secondary - trainers adults.