We are happy to announce the start of Participa City Project!

Participa City –Preventing racism and discrimination of ethnic and cultural minorities in Europe and fostering participation through a European game

Participa City allows to train adult learners in key „gate keeper“ positions to detect and actively avoid racism and discrimination of ethnic and cultural minorities and to develop good practices to build inclusive processes.

Preventing racism and discrimination of ethnic and cultural minorities are key elements in fostering participation in various aspects of life, including education, employment, and civic engagement. With this project we plan to train these key “gate keeping” persons to avoid unconscious discriminatory actions and make more conscious decisions.


- Preventing racism and discrimination of ethnic and cultural minorities in Europe

- Developing prevention strategies to reduce the negative consequences of discrimination

- Sensitising decision makers and key persons in positions impacting on participation of ethnic and cultural minorities to avoid discriminatory structures and practices

- Strengthening participation of ethnic and cultural minorities in European society

- Fostering a diversity-friendly climate and inclusive society in Europe


- Stocktaking report on the transnational challenges faced in Europe in prevention of racism and discrimination of ethnic/cultural minorities;

- The European Participa City anti-discrimination game including a trainer manual for the innovative methodological approach including a digital toolbox for tailor made learning modules;

- A pool of trained adult edusation professionals who multiply the game to gatekeepers to participation of ethnic/cultural minorities in Europe and spreading the topic into society;

Stay tuned for more news!

EN Co Funded by the EU POS