We are happy to announce that we start our work on Introducing micro-credentials to the digital era of VET project.
The Project foresees to:
- Improve the quality and attractiveness of VET and training in general, through the provision of flexible, inclusive and highly applicable training offers that correspond to contemporary needs of learners/trainees. Familiarise VET and training providers in general with the micro-credential approach so as to incorporate it to their regular training provisions.
- Build the capacity of trainers and training providers to uptake new, innovative approaches for the development and delivery of training, as well as for the validation of learning outcomes.
- Support the professional development and employability potential of learners/trainees through the provision of free, microVET courses. – Reinforce cooperation of training providers and the labour market actors to better identify skill gaps and shortages and address them through targeted training offers linked to micro-credentials.
- Strengthen transnational, cross sectoral cooperation for the identification of common solutions to European challenges. - Promote the uptake of European tools for the recognition and validation of skills and competences, as well as the wider utilisation of open online resources.
The main expected results are as follows:
• Current status study report on micro-credentials and needs analysis carried out during the preparation of this proposal, in combination with the results of six transnational and cross-sectoral focus group with report on the current situation of micro-credentials at national and European level, identifying good practices, needs and shortages and recommending common action.
• Methodology for the development of microVET courses linked to micro-credentials, build on the findings and the current status study and the experience and expertise of partners, with validated learning outcomes.
• Framework for micro-credential ambassadors as a transit to the micro-credential digital era through the assignment of the micro-credential ambassador role to staff members. These ambassadors will undertake the responsibility to create an internal team to work on the
incorporation of micro-credential in regular training provision, as well as communicate the approach to relevant target
• MicroVET courses that will be freely available through the microVET Repository. The topics will be selected based on the need analysis and the experience of organisations, in particular of the micro-credentialambassadors. External organisations will, also, have the opportunity to develop microVET courses and upload them to the Repository, following a verification process in terms of structure, content, and quality.
• MicroVET Repository - a fully accessible, open online space to host the microVET courses and encourage interaction among users.It will offer user the chance to select and attend the most suitable for their needs courses, validate the learning outcomes, and receive a digital attestation of their effort.
• The pan-European alliance for micro-credentials: the EU alliance for micro-credentials will be based on mutual support and commitment towards spreading the micro-credential approach. With main aim to encourage and motivate organisations and individuals to transit to more innovative approaches for training and validation of acquired skills, incorporate micro-credentials to their training provision and better address the needs of their target groups.
Stay tuned for more news!