Yesterday the project multiplier event was held.
The multiplier event was attended by 40 people, representatives of the project main target groups: teachers, trainers, training providers, businesses, educators, people working in the field of VET, people working in the field of education, people working in or interested in micro credentials, researchers, VET providers, educational inspectorates, schools and educational institutions headmasters, etc.
During the multiplier event the participants were shown the main project results:
• Methodology for the Development of microVET Courses
• MicroVET courses linked to micro-credentials
• MicroVET Repository
• EU alliance for micro-credentials
The K&C team presented the main project features:
• Aim
• Activities
• Partnership
• Results
After the presentation, each of the project results was presented separately and its outcomes were shown to the participants. In addition, there were practical activities with the project results and the participants in the event were able to test them in practice and see how they can be used in their work. The project website was shown to the participants in order for them to use it as a place where everything connected to the project can be found. The participants also had some practical activities in the project platform. They were also shown and invited to the EU alliance for micro-credetials, highlighting the benefits of the alliance. The event was finalized with a round table and discussion on the benefits of the project and how it can be implemented in the work of the participants.
The participants stated that the project results will be very useful for their future work in the field of education and training. They also said that the training courses provided will help them improve not only their professional but their personal skills as well. The EU alliance for microcredetials was also one of the things that was highly appreciated by all participants.